Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Always Thankful for my Most Awesome Family

I will always be so incredibly thankful that I have these 2 in my life. They are my world and every day no matter how hard it is they make me smile and laugh. They make each day worth getting up for.
Lucas is just such a ray of sunshine. Augie and I went to his class the other day for their Thanksgiving party. We stayed in the classroom and Luke went down to the cafeteria to get his lunch. When he came back he had bought an extra milk for his sister. He is an incredibly thoughtful kid and the best big sweet little honey girl. In the last month or so she has FINALLY started saying Mama and I can't tell you how much it warms my heart to hear her follow me around all day saying Mama! And those sweet baby kisses....thankful for those too!

(My Mom and Dad)

(My Dad and Step-Mom)

I couldn't ask for better more supportive parents. I am such a lucky girl to have 2 sets of parents who I know that I can always count on. And even better they are all 4 the greatest grandparents to the munchkins. These are the kind of grandparents that will actually get down on the floor and play with the kids and make it all about them when we get to visit.

(My sister, my gorgeous niece and my brother-in-law)

I am so happy that my kids and I have my little sis and her family pretty close. We weren't BFF growing up but now I couldn't ask for a better best friend. And her hubs is so cool, he's even offered to keep all the kids so that I could go out with my sis. Brave man! Our girls are only 6 months apart and Lucas adores both of the girls. Honestly one of my dreams was to have my kids and their cousins get to grow up close together. I am so thankful that it is happening.

(My brother and my sis-in-law)

I wish I could pick up San Diego and move it closer to VA. I hate that my little bro and his wife live all the way across the country. It sucks! But I know how happy they are out there. My sis-in-law is my sounding board for all things creative. We plot and plan our joint business venture and they keep trying to get us to move out there. I am so thankful that they found each other because a more perfect couple can not be found.

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