It's been a while since I last blogged. I've been dealing with some "fun" personal stuff but sunny days are ahead of us.
Luke's school does a Halloween parade in the afternoon through the neighborhood and then they have their class parties. Unfortunately I didn't get a ton of pics because I was trying to keep August from running in the street. Ahhhh life with an independent 2 year old!

We moved recently and are loving our new neighborhood. Halloween in this place was so much fun! Almost every court was having a block party, there were bonfires and even a huge outside movie screen showing Halloween movies, kid friendly of course! Luke and August had a great time.
August was really unsure of the whole trick or treating thing but after about the second house when she realized they were giving her candy she was sold on the whole holiday!
They received an insane amount of candy and we didn't even do half of our neighborhood. Luke has decided he will choose a few pieces of candy and then he is going to donate the rest to Treats for the Troops. I think that is a great idea!